Tech – for Everyone

Tech Tips and Tricks & Advice – written in plain English.

Not One Thing

Looking over all the top tech stories making the rounds this week, and perusing all the tech websites, and scanning all my InfoSec resources, in hopes of coming up with a topic for conversation today, I came to a decision.

I can sum it up as follows:
1) I cannot believe the foofarrah over Microsoft’s “Slate”/Windows 8/Windows Phone. I understand people are getting paid to write, so they have to write some thing.. any thing. But, I guess I am tired of the thinly disguised advertising/hype/FUD/troll baiting. (It’s all I’ve seen for a decade now.)

None of these things are even available yet. And in a world filled with 663,792 tech devices already, I’m supposed to get excited over 3 more?

Here’s the bottom line (as I see it): as a Desktop and Laptop user – none of which have “touchscreens” – I do not want Windows 8. Period. When my contract expires on my cellular plan, I will look at the available smartphones, and I will consider a Windows Phone, and all other alternatives too. Until that date, I will be happy with my 4G HTC ‘droid (which was the winner of raves just 10 months ago).

Trust Me

2) I am NOT going to sell you “cloud computing”, or “online backup”. Cloud computing is not the direction to head in. It is the direction that profiteers see as currently profitable, and the non-techie bean-counters as “cost saving”. This means my repair business is probably fated. “Cloud computing” is the future. Never mind the consequences! Profit while you can!

Dear Reader, where you can avoid the cloud, do so. (For example, buy an external hard dive, and make your backups there. Learn about VPN’s and set up your own syncing.. do not pass your info to Bozo.)

3) Security and Privacy is not really getting any better. It’s getting worse. The “whitehats” have been getting, and are getting, their arses handed to them by the “blackhats”. None of our “data” is “secure”. No current plans to fix it have any chance. DNSSec and Identity Tokens are bandaids, not cures (a good/great bandaid is still a bandaid). But guess what? It’s worse than you think. Governments are waging war – undeclared and covertly – and using our devices to do it (think on that a bit). Your device was manufactured in the factory of a (potential) enemy.. do you know if there’s some hidden code on it? Did you not read about the “infected digital picture frames”?
The very nature ([mostly] free and [mostly] open) of the Internet is under threat of censorship and government bureaucratic control. Even the UN is getting involved. I like everything bureaucrats do, don’t you? (Been to the DMV lately?)

4) It seems pretty clear to me that species human learned not a single simple thing from the “dot com bubble bursts”.. the first time, or even the second time. As long as a penny or two can be earned without digging a ditch, or actually producing anything — full speed ahead! (I am beginning to lose respect for “IT types” and gain respect for welders/construction workers/farmers/assemblers..)
All IT types seem to want is to show me animated banner ads, (after snooping into my activities) and laugh about how easy their job is. (That ain’t working, that’s the way you do it, you play your gittar on your MTV..) Yeah. It may be unfair of me to say that. Some IT types are aces. Real good people. Working longer hours than many. So please take no offense, if you’re one of those.

So my conclusion is that I am not going to write about any topic today. I am going to take the day off. I would like to go somewhere where there are no people, and no TV, and no Internet. Perhaps.. here.

For all 6 of you who read down this far, you have my apologies for having wasted your time. As a small token of my appreciation, I will mention a new “app”, named “Cue”, that I think people should be aware of. See (It is not just for iPhones).

And, here’s a good read: You’ll Hate Windows 8 (Hey! That rhymes!)

You aren’t ready for Windows 8. It’s coming anyway, a slow-moving freight train of massive change and dread, an enormous update that will sow turmoil in the lives of millions of people around the world.

And, I will say to you, live long and prosper.

Today’s quote:For a gallant spirit there can never be defeat.” ~ Wallis Simpson

Copyright 2007-2012 © “Tech Paul” (Paul Eckstrom). All Rights Reserved.

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All we really have, in the end, are our stories.
Make yours great ones. Ones to be proud of.

June 26, 2012 - Posted by | advice, blogging, Microsoft, tech, Windows 8 |


  1. Great “non post” post Paul! I like the idea of using a tablet/slate device as much as the next guy, but I’m totally paranoid when it comes to their reliance on “the cloud.” So I won’t even consider buying one until SSDs come down in price enough to give a tablet the kind of on-board storage capacity that my desktop has. Not that I could afford one anyway. Just sayin…


    Comment by IzaakMak | June 26, 2012 | Reply

    • IzaakMak,
      Always a pleasure to see you here again.

      Hybrids, such as the Slate, and the ASUS Transformer, have reasonable appeal to me. But I am looking more at “ultrabooks” than tablets for now.

      Were we, here in the USA, able to get Galaxy Tabs like the other markets can (the model with cellular capability inherent) I might have gotten one of those (with a dock) instead of a smartphone. (I would rather have a 7″ screen than a 4″.) But, there’s some silly protective laws, or somesuch.

      Moore’s Laws says you shouldn’t have to wait too long.


      Comment by techpaul | June 26, 2012 | Reply

  2. Hiya Paul

    Afraid I liked your non post too. Some honest opinion without hyperbole.


    Comment by diecastbox | June 27, 2012 | Reply

    • diecastbox,
      Thank you for taking the time to voice your “support”.

      For a “tech writer” to write such “honest opinion” as this, well, it’s kind of like shooting yourself in the foot. But I am not a journalist, nor in anyone’s employ, nor a “writer”. I am a Help & Support + Repair Technician in Silicon Valley, CA. I watched them raise the first Apple building, and I have watched a lot of “tech companies” come and go. I missed the DOS era, but built my first PC in 1997.
      And these are the facts as I see them.


      Comment by techpaul | June 27, 2012 | Reply

  3. Checked out Clue..looked like too much work when I already have calendar programs set up.

    However, I did find find something today(from Megaleecher) that your readers may find interesting..

    The sophisticated science behind why Youtube views freeze on 301 ……The mystery is solved..

    Youtube views freezes


    Comment by delenn13 | June 27, 2012 | Reply

    • Oops..Forgot to say…

      LLAP to you too!


      Comment by delenn13 | June 27, 2012 | Reply

    • delenn13,
      What I read stated that Cue was aimed at/meant for “exceptionally busy people”…
      (So .. “too much work” seems contra-desirable..)


      Comment by techpaul | June 27, 2012 | Reply

      • I am in the “if it’s not broke; don’t fix it” camp. Busy? Oy vey!

        P.S. “Too much work”=Whatcha mean it don’t sync?


        Comment by delenn13 | June 27, 2012 | Reply

  4. Paul, I applaud you for your “forth-right honesty” on the subject of tech.

    While the tech world “is” and “has been” a large part of my life for which feels like eons ago…I still struggle with the many-on-going Changes it has made in our lives. So many of the changes does not make any sense to me, but… I too am Hooked!


    Comment by Gaia | June 27, 2012 | Reply

    • Gaia,
      Mankind has evolved from a superstitious “dark age” to an age of “enlightenment”, to a machine/industrial age, to the “age of science” (and “reason”), then the “Atomic Age”, and then came “high tech”, and then we recently (roughly, 1995) entered the “Information Age”.
      In the “High Tech”/”Information Age”, change is occurring at an exponential rate.

      It is impossible to look at this timeline and not see the myriad benefits and advantages of this evolution: in medicine; in communications; in food production/distribution, etc..
      But one consequence of this is that the world has become “smaller” (or, as the book title suggests, “flat”). Some people find the rapid rate of change disorienting.. Tech is, literally, evolving faster than we are now. We do not really know what all the fallout from this is going to be, but it’s clearly changing us, how we do things. It is integral to our daily lives. And it takes constant learning to ‘keep up’.


      Comment by techpaul | June 27, 2012 | Reply

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