Tech – for Everyone

Tech Tips and Tricks & Advice – written in plain English.

The First Steps Of Any Tech Troubleshooting

My loyal readers should know the Troubleshooting Basics (the first things you do) for when your device, gadget, computer, program, or doodad is misbehaving.

The first thing you check is: Is it plugged in? Turned on/getting power?

Never assume that just because you didn’t disconnect the printer (aka “pull the cord out”) that the cord/cable is connected. Eyeball your connections to confirm. Why spend hours installing device drivers, or reconfiguring your network,  only to discover that the cat (or vacuum cleaner) has loosened a cord?

(Cordless mice and keyboards need batteries.. when was the last time you changed yours?)

The second thing to do/try is always: Close it, then “launch” it again. (You may need to use Task Manager to “End” the “Task” to get the malfunction program to close.)

If that fails, the third step is ALWAYS: reboot. (aka “restart”, aka “turn it off then turn it on again”.)

Only after you have done those three fundamental steps is it okay to think about calling tech support.

Why do I say that? Because those three things solve 99% (or so) of all “glitches”. And it is the first things your tech is going to ask you to do.
It really doesn’t matter what tech problem you are experiencing, nor on what device, nor who made it. A Samsung Wireless Internet Blu Ray player, or Sony camera, or Gateway laptop.

These are the ABC’s.

It’s 2012. We should all know these by heart. (Because even though they market us these doodads (and services) as mature and “easy to use”, truth is, they aren’t quite ready for Prime Time.)

Today’s reading reco: Tone The Brightness of Your Monitor Down With PangoBright

The illumination factor of the LCD and LED monitors of today, can be quite bright. To manage the illumination on my monitor, I use an automated utility called F.lux to manage the brightness of my monitor to match the indoor lighting.  It has been a keeper on my main PC for the past couple of” […] Read more..

Today’s quote: Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.” ~ George Orwell

Copyright 2007-2012 © “Tech Paul” (Paul Eckstrom). All Rights Reserved.

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All we really have, in the end, are our stories.
Make yours great ones. Ones to be proud of.

July 17, 2012 - Posted by | advice, consumer electronics, how to, tech, troubleshooting | , , , ,


  1. TechPaul,

    Thank you for the link back there brother… Super Hot here (cooking on the east coast).



    Comment by Ramblinrick | July 17, 2012 | Reply

    • Rick,
      So I hear. I join the – oh, I imagine five, or six others – in hoping there is some relief from the drought/heat wave before too much longer…

      (Always a pleasure to refer folks to your great website.)


      Comment by techpaul | July 17, 2012 | Reply

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