Tech – for Everyone

Tech Tips and Tricks & Advice – written in plain English.

Earn 1 million $’s the Easy Way (Seriously)


I thought it’d be bigger..

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of not being a millionaire. Fortunately, two recent reader submissions have pointed me to two ideas that will put an end to my days of brown bag, peanutbutter sandwich lunches, and will have Robin Leach looking for me.

As to the “Easy Money” of today’s “Tech-for Everyone”, many, many years ago, did I say many years ago? I bought my usual Saturday morning comic book. In the back of it were interesting things one could order. Tucked into a sharp ad was an inticing promise; “Earn 1 million $’s the easy way.” Of course I wanted to know how. The clipping said that I had to send $1 to the address on the ad. I did so and waited anxiously for the golden information that would make me a millionaire…the easy way. After 2 very long weeks I received a postcard that said, “Take out an ad in a comic book ad ask for $1 for the information on how to get rich.” That was it. I immediately felt that I had been ripped off and took it to my dad so that he might take legal action. He informed me that I had just paid for a a very important lesson and he was glad that I was learning it at 7 and not at 27. I guess the more things change the more they stay the same.” ~ Ann

Method 2: if you have a new smartphone, one with near-field technology (like the Galaxy S III), you could just stroll around town for a while…

Credit card data can be stolen with a wave and an app Certain smartphones allow potential fraudsters to get sensitive info, with minimal effort

It seems like there’s a smartphone app for everything these days — including one that could be used to steal your credit card information.” Read more..

I guess the $700 it takes to buy an S III isn’t such a bad investment after all…

I sincerely thank the readers for bringing those to my attention!

Today’s quote:Sometimes it’s important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it’s essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.” ~ Douglas Pagels

Copyright 2007-2013 © “Tech Paul” (Paul Eckstrom). All Rights Reserved.

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All we really have, in the end, are our stories.
Make yours great ones. Ones to be proud of.

April 25, 2013 - Posted by | advice, Android, cyber crime, hackers, News | , , , , , ,


  1. Hi Paul,

    I remember reading those in comic books and on gum wrappers. Such were the days…

    As far as the CC one..I bet 10 of your readers are out there trying to mug someone for their phone… Cheaper than buying it.

    You could always try Kickstarter.. What is Kickstarter — Kickstarter

    But here is a video about how NOT to show off your idea or campaign.. The 5 Most Unintentionally Hilarious Kickstarter Campaigns | (NSFW..what do you expect..It’s Cracked after all). Maybe have to take up rap to make some money.


    Comment by delenn13 | April 25, 2013 | Reply

    • delenn13,
      A little adult, but funny. (The key to good humor is having some truth in the gag..)

      And maybe I’m just a wee bit delusional but.. I’d really like to think that Tech – for Everyone readers would not snatch-and-run.. (Please allow me that one delusion.)

      And I couldn’t ‘rap’ my way out of that brown paper bag I mentioned. Ha!


      Comment by techpaul | April 25, 2013 | Reply

  2. Hey, it would be Safer, Cheaper, More Relaxing and certainly allowing for more Quality Time for one to Become A Luddite! :)

    Na, Paul… “not delusional! Tech Paul has taught his readers well”…not likely to snatch-and-run…keep your “delusion”!


    Comment by Gaia | April 26, 2013 | Reply

    • Gaia,
      There is a Geek “joke”, which basically says, “the only safe computer is one that never connects to Internet”. And there is a Universal Law that most people seem to ignore, or forget: the more convenient something is, the less secure it is. (The visa versa is True as well.)

      We live in a Modern Age filled with many Modern Conveniences (and more are being invented every week) and if we do not go back to the cave (become a Luddite) we should, IMHO, exercise these conveniences responsibly, and take steps to protect ourselves from those less-than-nice people who seek victims –> the naive and the unwary.
      I try to help people be less naive, and better protected when using these conveniences.


      Comment by techpaul | April 26, 2013 | Reply

      • Yes Paul, I exercise all these modern conveniences…thanks for your blogs too.

        Being a “news junkie”; I gobble up all the info. I can… good, bad or indifferent!

        I joke about “going back to the cave”…becoming a Luddite. I grumble and complain; with so much of what the tech world consists of, goes against my grain.

        I’m intrenched in this tech world (Internet) as others are. While I have a love, hate relationship with lots of it… guess what? I’m here to stay. :)


        Comment by Gaia | April 27, 2013 | Reply

        • Gaia,
          I think “love/hate relationship” describes many (most?) people’s feelings about the tech. Including mine. It’s great when it works, and no one’s abusing it.. but how often is that? Me, I’d like to see 100% of the time.

          Or.. 95% +. (Yes, I know. I’d be out of a job. But, it’s still my drothers.)


          Comment by techpaul | April 30, 2013 | Reply

    • delenn13,
      .. he said that rather well.


      Comment by techpaul | April 30, 2013 | Reply

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