Tech – for Everyone

Tech Tips and Tricks & Advice – written in plain English.

Half over

Hard to believe the year’s half over already.. Here are a few items for your consideration.

Taxis sow traffic chaos in Europe protesting against Uber car app

Taxi drivers sowed traffic chaos in Europe’s top cities on Wednesday by mounting one of the biggest protests ever against Uber, a U.S. car service whose smartphone app summons rides at the touch of a button.Read more..

[ Which is it? Adapt or die, or Adapt and die? ]

google robot car* Baby you can’t drive my car

Self driving cars:While the notion has been around in science fiction for at least 60 years, Google wants to bring it into reality.Read more..

Layer 8: “Human error” contributes to nearly all cyber incidents, study finds

Even though organizations may have all of the bells and whistles needed in their data security arsenal, it’s the human element that continues to fuel cyber incidents occurring, according to one recent study.Read more..

A wake up call? Class-action filed against payroll company Paytime over massive data breach

A class-action complaint has been filed against Paytime, a Pennsylvania-based payroll company that experienced a massive data breach in April. “Paytime failed to safeguard and prevent vulnerabilities from being taken advantage of in its computer system,” according to documents filed in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania on Friday.Read more..

Here’s a change: Technology sites “riskier” than illegal sites in 2013, according to Symantec data

The “riskiest” pages to visit in 2013 were technology websites, according to data from users of Norton Web Safe, which monitors billions of traffic requests and millions of software downloads per day.Read more..

Today’s quote:The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity.” ~ Harlan Ellison

Copyright 2007-2014 © “Tech Paul” (Paul Eckstrom). All Rights Reserved.

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All we really have, in the end, are our stories.
Make yours great ones. Ones to be proud of.
And please, never forget – one person can make a difference.
Find a way to make someone’s day today.
(Best advice I ever heard? Don’t sweat the small stuff.)

June 17, 2014 - Posted by | News, tech | , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. This is incredible to see how Google progressed within 1 year about their program “Google self-driving car project”. This is now not anymore, a concept with technical tests using a Toyota cars, as it was last year, with Prius or Lexus RX; this is not anymore a technical solution with engineers embedded in these cars, checking the issues of the software developed.
    This concept allows Google to propose a completely automatized car without any steering wheel nor any pedals of acceleration or brake nor any engineer embedded in the car.
    If you are interested by more information, you can read my article on Google Cars you can read at:


    Comment by olivierlehe | June 24, 2014 | Reply

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