Tech – for Everyone

Tech Tips and Tricks & Advice – written in plain English.

Start over

This is not “news”, but this ‘news article’ is why I’ve been saying –> scrap it ALL. Start over.

This time with security/privacy in mind.

To understand this, you need to know that “vulnerabilities” means “insecure computer code”. You need to note the idea “being found” and think “tip of the iceberg”, and you have to understand that NONE of the ‘computer languages’ are even designed to be secure. Were a ‘Programmer’ to try to write a hacker-proof ‘app’, they couldn’t because the Language, and the “libraries’ it uses are weak. Anywho.. bringing you this stuff is killing my ratings, but here’s the evidence .. um, article:

* ‘Unrelenting’ rise in vulnerabilities, Risk Based Security reports

We are on track for another record-breaking year in the pace of vulnerability disclosures, said a new report from Risk Based Security.Read more..

*     *     *

Today’s quote:No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” ~ Robin Williams

Copyright 2007-2017 © “Tech Paul” (Paul Eckstrom). All Rights Reserved.

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All we really have, in the end, are our stories.
Make yours great ones. Ones to be proud of.

May 30, 2017 - Posted by | computers, consumer electronics, cyber crime, hackers, Internet, News, privacy, security, software, tech


  1. Having read the article I must thoroughly agree—we as a society keep getting into these messes without thorough fore-thought—“They” [mobile devices/camera phones/drones—even microwaves, thinking back–or “Pinto gas tanks”] would be so “neat”…. And if one follows that train of thought, the list becomes instantaneously enormous—like nuclear fission, only one without end or fruition. Now it has come down to a pureness of one thing—money; nothing more, nothing less. Have an idea?–Sell it to the venturists. Then generate it. Then “run it up the flagpole and see who salutes” as the saying goes. Give no thought to effect of consequences. With retail prices being what they are–short-term failure is not a worry–initial outlay/startup is covered.
    And that my friend, is one of the decline/decay and eventual extinction of humanity. And more & more every day. As Professor Fenner [recently passed], said in 2010: “A child born today, has the chance of seeing the extinction of humanity” Maybe not thoroughly/exactly accurate in term of timeline, but well on our way. Me-thinks !! —Sam [Sorry, just more rantings of an O.F.]


    Comment by Anonymous | June 1, 2017 | Reply

    • Sam,
      All we ‘little guys’ can do is hope; hope that enough people (enough important people) heed the warnings in time. The signs are there.


      Comment by techpaul | June 1, 2017 | Reply

      • Well… we could stop buying/using the stuff, but .. who wants to do that?


        Comment by techpaul | June 1, 2017 | Reply

  2. Yes Paul, you are absolutely right—-who WOULD want to do that–and therein lies the problem—if it is something that allows you to become a better human being [you includes family/etc], or contributes the same to society [and there are rubs in both of those–watch for them], then by all means participate. But if the possession of something is simply to “show” others, then one needs to look elsewhere. Looking inwardly would be a good place to start. Possession of a good self appraisal/net worth [character/ethics/learning/accomplishments/etc], will far outshine the biggest house/most expensive car/biggest IRA/etc. Learning “how to learn” was/is one of the biggest and best accomplishments of my life. And I am very proud [and very “happy”] with what I have today [because of it]. Learning is the key, and what I think is paramount in our evolutionary movement. Bil G said it best [at least most part]: about knowledge providing a network for additional knowledge to fit into [Not exact–sorry].


    Comment by Anonymous | June 2, 2017 | Reply

    • Yes, learning is key.

      But learning requires Using Brain (for ‘critical thinking’).

      And we all know, Using Brain is a chore, and it sometimes causes discomfort. So no one does it anymore. It’s so … 20th Century.


      Comment by techpaul | June 3, 2017 | Reply

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