Tech – for Everyone

Tech Tips and Tricks & Advice – written in plain English.

Due Tuesday, and Sunday Beauty

IRS Program Lets Taxpayers Use Popular Tax Preparation Software Free, and e-File For Free

(* Reposting) I am like many Americans in that I have become somewhat reliant on my computer to help me do my Federal taxes. It all started (ages ago, now) with a CD I received in the mail — a free copy of H&R Block’s TaxCut. I tried it. And I found it just a wee bit easier to use and figure out than the 1040A user manual our government provides.

Nowadays to access the free version of TaxCut (or TurboTax), I have to first go to to the IRS website.

IRS banner

On the IRS site, there is a page called “FreeFile”, and here you will find the “partnership links” to the free versions of 19 accepted tax prep programs — of which TaxCut (and also TurboTax) is one.
To qualify, you must have an Adjusted Gross Income of $56,000 or less.

Today’s free link: FreeFile at the IRS
Note: there are two buttons on the page; “I will choose” and “help me choose”. Though all of the programs there are accepted by the IRS, I would recommend clicking the “I will choose”, and then selecting either TaxCut or TurboTax.

Today’s Pretty Picture:


Click on image to see more by this artist (highly reco’d)

“golden waterfall” by paul bica, courtesy of Flickr Commons

Today’s quote:Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.”  ~ Eckhart Tolle

Copyright 2007-2014 © “Tech Paul” (Paul Eckstrom). All Rights Reserved.

>> Folks, don’t miss an article! To get Tech – for Everyone articles delivered to your e-mail Inbox, click here, or to subscribe in your RSS reader, click here. <<

All we really have, in the end, are our stories.
Make yours great ones. Ones to be proud of.
And please, never forget – one person can make a difference.
Find a way to make someone’s day today.
(Best advice I ever heard? Don’t sweat the small stuff.)

April 13, 2014 Posted by | advice, computers, Digital Images, free software, Internet, tech | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

April’s Here. More Friday Fun

It being April 1st, I think it’s fair to issue a BOLO (Be On the Look Out). Pranksters, there be.

April Fools’ Day has hit the Internet and, as usual, there’s no shortage of fake news stories, gag product announcements, and corny jokes. Some are funny. Some are sort of lame attempts at being funny.
Keep this in mind, and don’t get duped.

Not so fun – ny: April is – of course – tax month. Yippee.
Two weeks. To help, on the IRS site there is a page called “FreeFile”, and here you will find the “partnership links” to the free versions of 19 accepted tax prep programs — of which H&R Block’s Free File and also TurboTax are available.
To qualify, you must have an Adjusted Gross Income of $56,000 or less.

Today’s free link: FreeFile at the IRS
Note: there’s two buttons on the page; “I will choose” and “help me choose”. Though all of the programs there are accepted by the IRS, I would recommend clicking the “I will choose”, and then selecting either H&R Block or TurboTax.


Holy cow! (Not sure I like this…) New, today (I think): Gmail Motion (beta)

A new way to communicate
The mouse and keyboard were invented before the Internet even existed. Since then, countless technological advancements have allowed for much more efficient human computer interaction. Why then do we continue to use outdated technology? Introducing Gmail Motion — now you can control Gmail with your body.

How it works
Gmail Motion uses your computer’s built-in webcam and Google’s patented spatial tracking technology to detect your movements and translate them into meaningful characters and commands. Movements are designed to be simple and intuitive for people of all skill levels.

Huh? “Patented spatial tracking technology” ? (One of those words makes me nervous..)

*     *     *

I am looking out my window at what appears to be our 3rd straight day of gorgeous, warm sun. I have been valiantly resisting – after weeks of rain and gray and cold – the urge to play hookie. But since it’s Friday, I think I will stop resisting and just plain do so. Give myself a three day weekend. Spring is here!

No. I will not be pulling any “pranks” this year. I must be getting old.. I cannot even remember back to wanting to do any April Fool gags .. sigh.

Do Not Try This At Home Department:

* Baseball is back: In the first game of the season, the World Champion S.F. Giants…
lost to the (arch-rivals) Dodgers. Off to a good start, 0 – 1.

[Note: my “playing hookie” does not – necessarily – mean I will not post articles, or answer my phone… but just in case, have a great weekend folks!]

Copyright 2007-2011 © “Tech Paul” (Paul Eckstrom). All Rights Reserved.

>> Folks, don’t miss an article! To get Tech – for Everyone articles delivered to your e-mail Inbox, click here, or to subscribe in your RSS reader, click here. <<

April 1, 2011 Posted by | e-mail, Google, Internet, News | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments