Tech – for Everyone

Tech Tips and Tricks & Advice – written in plain English.

Quick Tip + Some Friday Fun

Did you recently get a new Windows 7 computer? If so, I highly recommend taking the actions described here, How To Restore The Menu Bar In Vista And Windows 7 and here, Windows 7 Owners, You Want To Do This… right way.. if you haven’t already. They are quick, and they are easy, and you’ll be glad you did them.

And here’s one for everyone: use B3773r P4$$w0rd$.

With that out of the way.. how about some fun for your Friday? Sound good?

I suggest, that if you look at this, and think it won’t interest you, that you go ahead and watch it anyway. I have the funny feeling you will be glad you did. And if not, you can tell me so.

The weekend’s almost here.. yay!

Today’s quote:Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.” ~ Albert Einstein

Copyright 2007-2011 © “Tech Paul” (Paul Eckstrom). All Rights Reserved.

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August 5, 2011 - Posted by | advice, how to, Microsoft, PC, Windows 7


  1. Different Friday Fun… quite the museum! Not a lover of trains.. the history is interesting anyway…thanks

    …I like today’s quote!



    Comment by Gaia | August 5, 2011 | Reply

    • Gaia,
      I hoped the video would stimulate even non-train-lovers, and appeal to “kids of all ages”… if you will.

      For me.. it was a bit like a trip back to my childhood. Which is okay for a summer’s Friday. [IMHO.]


      Comment by techpaul | August 5, 2011 | Reply

  2. Hey Paul, that was quite the feat… seems a work in progress, love and labor. Wish I’d known about it a week earlier… just got in from San Ramon with a truck full of household goods. Would have taken the time to stop by and taken in this wonder of innovation…


    Comment by Anonymous | August 5, 2011 | Reply

    • Rob,
      I stumbled across that video looking for video of a different layout/r.r. club.. I think it’s at the San Mateo county fairgrounds.. and I think it is called “the Golden State Model Railroad”?? But I ran out of time.
      This is actually not too too far from me, yet I have never seen it. I’ll have to go. I hear there’s a good one up in Oakland too..

      [update: the SMC Fairgrounds club is the Peninsula MRC.]


      Comment by techpaul | August 5, 2011 | Reply

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